Пишување корисна рецензија
Want to tell others about your recent guest or stay? We love that. Head to Reviews on Airbnb to get started.
- 1,000-character limit
- Must follow our Review Policy
It’s important to note that you have to submit your review within 14 days from the time of checkout—after 14 days, you can’t submit a review. Also, you can’t edit what you already submitted after the 14 day period ends or after the other party submits their review—whichever happens first.
Thought starters
The best reviews are helpful ones. Think about what you’d want to know before booking a stay or welcoming someone into your place. Highlight things like:
- Your interactions with your guest, Host, and their associates—were they pleasant and respectful?
- Anything that made the stay special, like cleanliness, personal touches, convenience, amazing coffee
- Practical info: Was the Host helpful and available? Were you thrilled with the location? Was the listing accurate?
You’ll also have the option to leave private feedback, which will be shared when the public reviews are posted. Get more detail on how reviews work for stays.
Other ways to share feedback
If you want, you can leave private feedback to the Host or guest, which will be shared with just them when the public reviews are posted.
You can also leave a public response to a review that someone has left for you. While you can’t remove their review, you can report it if you think it violates our Review Policy.
Need more info? Learn about how reviews for stays work.
What is shared in public reviews
To help future guests, reviews will now show more information about the reviewers, and may include their:
- City, country, continent or region
- Date of stay (example: Jun 2023, 3 weeks ago, today, etc.)
- Trip type (example: stayed with kids, a group, or pets)
- Length of stay (example: stayed one night, a few nights, about a week, or over a week)
This information may be based on public information on the reviewer’s profile page or other information the reviewer submitted to sign up for Airbnb or complete the booking. To hide this type of information, contact us.
Editing a review
To encourage honest and impartial reviews, we limit the ability of Hosts and guests to edit a review after they’ve written it.
- If you submit your review first, you may edit it anytime within the 14-day review period, up until the other party submits their review
- Once both reviews are submitted or the 14-day review period has ended—whichever comes first—both reviews are automatically published and no more changes can be made
- Both guest and Host reviews are posted at the same time and can’t be edited after they’re posted, (the other person can’t read your review and change their own as a result)
- You can’t request edits to a review written about you, except you may contact us to request a change in the gender pronoun used to describe you in the review
For Experiences, reviews are only written by guests. You may edit your review within 48 hours of initially submitting it, even if the review has been published. Find out more about how reviews work for Experiences.
Уредување на вашата неодамнешна рецензија
- Одете на „Профил“ > „Рецензии што сте ги напишале“
. - Изберете „Рецензии од вас“.
- Одете на рецензијата што сакате да ја уредите и кликнете на „Уреди“.
Треба да се најавите на вашата сметка преку прелистувач за да ги промените рецензиите оставени од вас.
Треба да се најавите на вашата сметка преку прелистувач за да ги промените рецензиите оставени од вас.
- Одете на „Профил“ > „Рецензии што сте ги напишале“
. - Изберете „Рецензии од вас“.
- Одете на рецензијата што сакате да ја уредите и притиснете на „Уреди“.
Removing reviews
Once a review you’ve written has been published, you can contact us to request for it to be removed.
If someone else wrote the review, you can’t remove it, but you can report it to us if you think it violates our Review Policy. Please note that someone who wrote a review always has the right to request that it be removed.
Want to tell others about your recent guest or stay? We love that. Head to Reviews on Airbnb to get started. Here are some tips on leaving a review that will be helpful for others.
Одговорете на неодамнешна рецензија
Може да објавите јавен одговор на рецензија што некој ја оставил за вас.
- Кликнете на „Профил > Рецензии“.
- Кликнете на „Рецензии што сте ги напишале“.
- Одете на рецензијата на која сакате да одговорите и кликнете на „Оставете јавен одговор“.
- Напишете го вашиот одговор и кликнете на „Поднеси“.
Треба да се најавите на вашата сметка преку прелистувач (без да ја користите Airbnb апликацијата) за да одговорите на некоја рецензија.
Треба да се најавите на вашата сметка преку прелистувач (без да ја користите Airbnb апликацијата) за да одговорите на некоја рецензија.
- Притиснете на „Профил > Рецензии“.
- Притиснете на „Рецензии што сте ги напишале“.
- Одете на рецензијата на која сакате да одговорите и притиснете на „Оставете јавен одговор“.
- Напишете го вашиот одговор и притиснете на „Поднеси“.
Вашиот одговор ќе биде објавен веднаш, а после тоа не можете да го уредувате. Затоа, не брзајте и навистина размислете што сакате да кажете.
Поврзани статии
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Колку време имате да напишете рецензија
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