Предлозите ќе се појават откако ќе внесете текст во полето за пребарување. За прегледување, користете ги стрелките нагоре и надолу. Притиснете на „Enter“ за да изберете. Ако изберете израз кој содржи повеќе збора, тој израз ќе биде поднесен за пребарување. Ако предлогот е линк, во прелистувачот ќе се отвори таа страница.

Ако се чувствувате непријатно поради некој гостин

Remember: In an emergency situation, or if your personal safety is threatened, contact local police or emergency services immediately.

You set the rules for your place—it’s as simple as that. If you have a guest who has broken a house rule or done something to make you feel unsafe, you don’t have to take their reservation.

Before you accept a trip request

Check out these safety tips to help you get to know potential guests, set up your place for success, and protect yourself.

Declining an individual trip request won’t negatively impact your listing’s placement. However, your search result placement may be impacted if you frequently decline requests.

After you’ve confirmed a reservation

If you’ve already confirmed the reservation, you can cancel it.

Find out if your situation will allow you to cancel penalty-free, such as if you’ve learned your guest is planning an unauthorized party, or if they're bringing their pooches when your listing specifically said no pets.

Here’s everything you need to know about cancellation penalties. 

Flagging inappropriate messages

If a message from a guest makes you uncomfortable, let us know by flagging it. Just open the message thread and click or tap the flag icon next to the message you want reviewed.

Read tips on how to navigate hosting challenges and plan for the unexpected in the Resource Center.

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