
Parts & Labour

Препорачано од 75 локални жители,
Трајно затворено

Совети од локалните жители

April 15, 2017
Infamous Toronto indie/hipster music venue and some great food on the main floor. Lots of other bars in the area if the band doesn't meet your musical tastes, you are sure to find one close by!
May 27, 2016
Basement-level DJs & bands with Canadian gourmet
August 11, 2015
cool resto/bar and dancing venue
May 28, 2015
NXNE Venue and great restaurant
September 5, 2018
Best burger in town. The few places where they don't overcook the patty. The basement turns into a hip hop music venue on the weekends. This place gets packed, and occasionally gets graced with the present of Toronto's very own hip hop legend: Drake.

Уникатни активности во близина

Покажете ми го градот - Обиколка со пешачење низ Торонто
Обиколка за фотографирање во центарот на Торонто
Концерт на R&B на пиратски брод

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1566 Queen St W
Toronto, ON