
Lucy East African Cuisine

Препорачано од 5 локални жители,
Трајно затворено

Совети од локалните жители

July 22, 2015
Great Ethiopian food.
Anne Marie
August 31, 2017
Out of the way but worth it delicious Ethiopian cuisine from Abba and his family. BYOB and be prepared to wait a little bit for the food even if there are not many people there (this is a 1 front of house 1 cook place!) but you won't be disappointed!
June 19, 2017
Awesome little Ethiopian restaurant run by a single couple. They just moved to this new location and I haven't been to it yet but I imagine it is the same. I call their coffee (boba) black gold, is the best I have ever had, and it always takes 20min to make so set aside some time.
August 13, 2016
If you are looking for something new to try I would recommend getting some Ethiopian food at Lucy's. It's a hole in the wall but they offer one the best menus. I would recommend ordering several of the dishes to eat with their special spongy Ethiopian bread.

Уникатни активности во близина

Историско возење бивол со велосипед
Торта и пијалак со ѕвезда на мрежата за храна
Геодезиска купола Медитативна реставративна бања со звуци

Локалните жители исто така препорачуваат

916 Tonawanda St
Buffalo, NY