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Foodhallen Amsterdam

Препорачано од 1.500 локални жители,

Совети од локалните жители

August 28, 2022
Part of must-do lists of Amsterdam, the Foodhallen hosts curated international cuisine in a lively atmosphere with Djs on some days. Food is okay and it's sometimes too crowded with tourists which makes it hard to find a seat. But we still think it's worth to drop by for some snacks and drinks. Bonus: there's also a cinema! Bonus2: many people don’t know, but at the back in the Kanary restaurant there are workstations and a sand area for summer vibes
Part of must-do lists of Amsterdam, the Foodhallen hosts curated international cuisine in a lively atmosphere with Djs on some days. Food is okay and it's sometimes too crowded with tourists which makes it hard to find a seat. But we still think it's worth to drop by for some snacks and drinks. Bo…
August 21, 2022
Food hall with lots of street food options in an old tram shed
August 21, 2022
Great foodcourt with many options and a great vibe. Favorite with the locals.
August 10, 2022
The foodhallen are super nice to have drinks and different bites.
May 1, 2022
All different kind of snacks. The best: Pita (with chicken or veal). Shirkhan (Mumbai street food) try the chicken of lamb tikka wrap. And the hotdogs are also nice to try. But also oysters, cocktails, pata negra.....

Уникатни активности во близина

Наградно крстарење низ цел инклузивен канал
Крстарење по канал со холандско сирење и пијалаци - со вистински локални жители
Семинар за „Едибл“, „Печете го Амстердам“

Локалните жители исто така препорачуваат

16 Bellamyplein
Amsterdam, NH