

Препорачано од 643 локални жители,

Совети од локалните жители

February 17, 2019
Main shopping street
January 20, 2019
If you want to go to the bigger clothing stores like Zara, H&M , etc. Very touristy area.
Adis Sophie
November 17, 2018
Very long and well known shopping street with mainstream clothing brand in the hard of Amsterdam. (H&M, Zara...)
July 1, 2018
Cutting a wide swath through central Amsterdam, the Kalverstraat, named after the kalvermarkt (calves market) staged there until the 17th century, is the city's main pedestrian shopping street, with no traffic other than a constant flow of tourists, locals and shoppers from around the globe. The one kilometer stretch from Dam Square to the Bloemenmarkt on the Muntplein is lined with shops proffering shoes, clothing, bags, books, cards, perfume, cosmetics and just about anything else you might need or never knew you needed. Fast food outlets, cafés and coffeeshops are interspersed in the mix of mainstream stores and trendy boutiques.
Cutting a wide swath through central Amsterdam, the Kalverstraat, named after the kalvermarkt (calves market) staged there until the 17th century, is the city's main pedestrian shopping street, with no traffic other than a constant flow of tourists, locals and shoppers from around the globe. The one…
June 23, 2018
Everything you can dream of

Уникатни активности во близина

Наградно крстарење низ цел инклузивен канал
Крстарење по канал со холандско сирење и пијалаци - со вистински локални жители
Семинар за „Едибл“, „Печете го Амстердам“

Локалните жители исто така препорачуваат

Amsterdam, NH