Предлозите ќе се појават откако ќе внесете текст во полето за пребарување. За прегледување, користете ги стрелките нагоре и надолу. Притиснете на „Enter“ за да изберете. Ако изберете израз кој содржи повеќе збора, тој израз ќе биде поднесен за пребарување. Ако предлогот е линк, во прелистувачот ќе се отвори таа страница.

Како да станете Супердомаќин

Our top-performing Hosts are called Superhosts. Their listings feature a special badge that lets everyone know they’re extra awesome.

How it works

Every quarter, we evaluate your hosting performance over the past 12 months for all listings on your account. (However, you didn’t have to host for the entire 12 months to qualify.) Each quarterly assessment is a 7-day period beginning on:

  • January 1st
  • April 1st
  • July 1st
  • October 1st

If you meet the program requirements by the assessment date, you’ll automatically become a Superhost—no need to apply. We’ll notify you of your status at the end of each assessment period. It may take up to 1 week for your Superhost badge to show up on your listing.


To qualify, listing owner with an account in good standing who has met the following criteria:

  • Completed at least 10 trips or 3 reservations that total at least 100 nights
  • Maintained a 90% response rate or higher
  • Maintained a less than 1% cancellation rate, with exceptions made for those that fall under our Major Disruptive Events Policy
  • Maintained a 4.8 overall rating (A review counts towards Superhost status when either both the guest and the Host have submitted a review, or the 14-day window for reviews is over, whichever comes first).
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