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Корисни совети за патување во Куба

Since Airbnb is just getting started in Cuba, here are some extra tips and guidelines to make sure your trip goes as smoothly as possible.

Call us if you need us

If you need anything for your Cuba trip, call us at one of these numbers:

  • +1-888-404-6895 (US toll-free)
  • +1-305-203-0879 (Miami)
  • +1-437-888-3133 (Toronto)

Don’t rely on internet access

Internet access in Cuba can be sporadic. We suggest printing your itinerary, contact numbers and addresses, and any maps you’ll need before leaving.

Enroll in the STEP program

If you’re a US citizen, consider enrolling in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). This will help local embassies and US Citizen Services provide assistance faster, in the unlikely event of a problem.

Know the local emergency numbers

If you have an emergency while in Cuba, dial 106 to contact local police, fire department, or medical services.

Help your Host register your visit

Your Host in Cuba is legally required to record every guest's passport details at check-in. Your Host won’t need to hold your passport—they'll only need to copy down a few details to bring to their local immigration office.

Stay in touch with your Host

Airbnb is new to Cuba, but your Host isn't. Don't be afraid to ask questions, get directions, or share expectations. Also, be sure to check with your Host before bringing visitors to your place. Many Hosts don't accept visitors, but if they do, they'll need your visitors' passport details as well.

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