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Фридом, Њу Хемпшир

As an Airbnb host, it’s important for you to understand your local laws. We provide a platform and marketplace, but we don’t provide legal advice. Even so, we want to share some information to offer context on the laws and other rules that relate to short-term rentals in Freedom, NH The information in this article isn’t exhaustive but may help you start your research on local laws. If you have questions, contact the Planning Board, or your local councilor, or consult a local attorney. You can also visit Freedom’s website for additional information.

Short-term rental regulations

Freedom, NH’s ordinance imposes restrictions on the operation of short-term rentals in the town. Owners can short-term rent their primary residences in all residential districts, however, they must apply for a conditional use permit. They must also notify their next-door neighbors of their intention to short-term rent their home. Short-term rentals must be registered and permitted before being advertised.

Short-term rental permits

Provided that your short-term rental is eligible under the ordinance, anyone who hosts short-term stays (fewer than 30 consecutive nights) in Freedom must obtain a conditional use permit. You can find the application for a permit online on the town’s website. Permits are typically valid for one year. However, permits that are filed during the year will expire on December 31 of that year. To allow sufficient time for processing, short-term rental operators should apply for a permit by September 30 for subsequent years.

Applicants can review the full list of requirements for permit applications online.

Our commitment to your community

We are committed to working with local officials to help them understand how Airbnb benefits our community. Where needed, we will continue to advocate for changes that will allow regular people to rent out their own homes.

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