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Правила на заедницата

Општи прашања во врска со „Обврската кон заедницата“ на Airbnb

What is the Airbnb Community Commitment?

Earlier this year, we launched a comprehensive effort to fight bias and discrimination in the Airbnb community. As a result of this effort, we’re asking everyone to agree to the following Community Commitment (beginning November 1, 2016) in order to continue using Airbnb:

I agree to treat everyone in the Airbnb community—regardless of their race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or age—with respect, and without judgment or bias.

How do I accept the commitment?

On or after November 1, we’ll show you the commitment when you log in to or open the Airbnb website, mobile or tablet app and we’ll automatically ask you to accept.

What if I decline the commitment?

If you decline the commitment, you won’t be able to host or book using Airbnb, and you have the option to cancel your account. Once your account is canceled, future booked trips will be canceled. You will still be able to browse Airbnb but you won’t be able to book any reservations or host any guests.

What happens to my payments if I decline the commitment and cancel my account?

If you cancel your account as a guest, any future reservations you have will be refunded according to the hosts’ cancellation policy. You can expect to see your refund within 7 business days. If you cancel your account as a host, you’ll be paid for completed trips through your usual payout method within 14 business days. For both hosts and guests, Airbnb gift cards, coupons, or referral credits will not be usable. Also, if you owe Airbnb money, we’ll contact you to arrange payment of the balance.

I’m a host. How can I learn more about how this commitment and the Nondiscrimination Policy affects me?

You can review our host resources, which covers frequently asked questions by hosts about Airbnb’s Nondiscrimination Policy.

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