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Подготовка за професионалното фотографирање

Ready to make your listing stand out?

Professional photo shoots are only offered once per listing, and they’re not refundable once they begin. To make the most of your time with our pro, follow these tips:

  • Natural light: Open blinds and curtains
  • Cleanliness: De-clutter, clear surfaces, and remove any valuables you don’t want photographed
  • Amenities: Make sure guests know how well-appointed your place is—think about highlighting special features like the gourmet espresso machine
  • Bedding: Fluffy. Clean. Appealing.
  • Bathroom: Open the shower curtain, clean the vanity mirror, and close the toilet lid—make sure those towels are neatly folded, too
  • Accessibility: Consider accessibility features that may help your guests

Next, learn what to expect once the photographer arrives, and what happens after the shoot. If you need to reschedule or cancel, be sure to provide 24 hours’ notice.

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