Guidebook for East London

Guidebook for East London

Совети за градот


How to pay bus and tube

Take your contact-less ("paywave") payment card (EU only) to pay the underground/bus/ferry/tram in London. This guarantees the cheapest fares. CASH is a big no no! You can buy a paper ticket but it's very stupid to do so as it costs more! If you don't have a contactless card, buy an oyster card for £5 which you will get back at the end.
Обичаи и култура

Taking the underground

Whenever you stand on escalators, stand on the RIGHT and walk on the LEFT.
Како да заштедите

Things to do for

Most museums are free. Walking around the city which is walking distance from our flat makes for an amazing sightseeing walk on a sunny day. The bus is cheaper than the tube at £1.50 (change multiple times within 1hour) and a good way to see things along the way.
Што да спакувате

Temperature changes

London is often cold, hot, windy, calm, rainy and sunny in one day. In the 4 winter months, many Londoners wear long underwear ("longjohns") under jeans and jumpers to keep extra warm. I also recommend a hat and "layering-up" so you can remove a scarf, jumper or vest when you're suddenly on a hot underground ride. On hot summer days, carry a water bottle with you which you can refill for free in most cafes and some water stations on the road.
Корисни фрази

"Good morning, how are you?"

DO not walk up to someone and say straight away what you need. To go to a barista and say "one latte" or to go to an information desk and say "where is..." is considered very rude. Instead say "Good morning, how are you?" and then proceed to order, adding "please" after every request.
Резервирајте пред да отидете

Prepare for public transport

London is one of the biggest cities on earth. Many people underestimate how difficult it can be to get around if you're not prepared. Download Google Maps or Citymapper onto your phone. If you mobile provider does not give you free data in the UK, use Google Maps whilst you have wifi and download an offline map of London within the app (see settings). Always input where you going into an app to check the quickest route (every journey!) as often there are tube lines closed or disrupted. Londoners do the same. It's part of our day.
Корисни фрази

American vs British english

Although Londoners are used to hearing all sorts of accents and will understand American English eventually, things go smoother if you prepare for these Top 5 most misunderstood American words: 1) Water: You will likely order this . We pronounce it very differently from Americans. 2) Dollars: We don't accept US-Dollars here in the UK. We deal in "pounds". "Quid" is the slang equivalent for "bucks". 3) Please: We say please a lot. If you don't, it's rude. Add it to every request. 4) How are you: It's polite to ask even if you don't care. 5) Thank you. Just that. Not "appreciate it".