Ако случајно сте направиле резервација или сте резервирале на погрешни датуми
If you’ve found yourself with a booking you didn’t mean to make or booked the right place for the wrong dates, there are steps you can take to address it. While all cancellations are subject to the host’s cancellation policy, there may still be ways to work things out.
Check the cancellation policy for your reservation to find out if you'll receive a refund
Each host chooses a cancellation policy that determines whether you might be eligible for a refund if you need to cancel. Some bookings allow free cancellations if you act within a certain time frame, so you should always check which cancellation policy applies to your reservation.
Send a trip change request for different dates
If canceling outright isn’t an option (or if you prefer to keep the booking but need some adjustments), you can send a request to your host to change the trip dates. Once sent, your host will decide whether to accept the trip change request.
If the dates you want aren’t available on your host’s calendar, try reaching out to them directly. If the host doesn’t already have another booking, they may be willing to adjust their availability for you or offer an alternative solution that works for both of you.
Reach out to your host directly
In situations where you’re not eligible to cancel for a full refund, communicating directly with the host can often help. Many hosts are understanding of accidental bookings, especially if you reach out quickly and the booking is far enough in advance. You can explain the situation and ask if they’d be willing to cancel the reservation for a full refund, even if their cancellation policy doesn’t allow it. Keep in mind: A refund outside of the cancellation policy for the reservation is always at the discretion of the host.
Find out how to message your host.
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