Предлозите ќе се појават откако ќе внесете текст во полето за пребарување. За прегледување, користете ги стрелките нагоре и надолу. Притиснете на „Enter“ за да изберете. Ако изберете израз кој содржи повеќе збора, тој израз ќе биде поднесен за пребарување. Ако предлогот е линк, во прелистувачот ќе се отвори таа страница.

Наплата и исплата на даноци за престој од страна на Airbnb во Грузија

State of Georgia

Guests who book Airbnb listings that are located in the State of Georgia will pay the following tax as part of their reservation:

  • State Sales Tax: 4% of the listing price including any cleaning fees, for reservations 89 nights and shorter. For detailed information, visit the State of Georgia Sales and Use Tax website.
  • County/Local Sales Tax: 2% - 5% of the listing price including any cleaning fees, for reservations 89 nights and shorter. For detailed information, visit the State of Georgia Sales and Use Tax website.
  • Hotel-Motel Fee: $5 per night, for reservations 30 days and shorter. For detailed information, visit the State of Georgia Taxes website.
  • Local Occupancy Taxes: All locally imposed Occupancy Taxes will be collected on reservations in Georgia. The tax varies by city and county. It is typically 0%-8% of the listing price including any cleaning fees for reservations 30 nights and shorter. For detailed information, please visit your local finance department website.
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