Предлозите ќе се појават откако ќе внесете текст во полето за пребарување. За прегледување, користете ги стрелките нагоре и надолу. Притиснете на „Enter“ за да изберете. Ако изберете израз кој содржи повеќе збора, тој израз ќе биде поднесен за пребарување. Ако предлогот е линк, во прелистувачот ќе се отвори таа страница.

Како да користам Sofort Überweisung за плаќање?

Sofort Überweisung (Germany) is an online payment method that enables you to log in with your personal online banking credentials and transfer a specified amount of your bank funds to pay for a reservation.

You do not need to register or create an account. Simply select Sofort Überweisung (or Sofort Banking) as the payment method and you’ll be guided through the payment process.

Sofort is an option to pay for your reservation if your plans meet the following conditions:

  • Book with a host in Europe
  • Select Germany as the payment country
  • Your reservation check-in date is at least 4 days after payment date
  • Your reservation doesn't include long-term payment installations

Sofort completes the payment within 24 hours after your reservation is accepted. You’ll receive an email and a push notification (if enabled on your mobile device) that the payment has been completed. If your payment doesn’t complete, your reservation will status will change to Canceled.

More info:

  • Sofort payments can take up to 5 days to complete
  • Sofort can’t be saved on your Airbnb account, so you'll need to go through the same process every time you opt to pay with Sofort
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