Предлозите ќе се појават откако ќе внесете текст во полето за пребарување. За прегледување, користете ги стрелките нагоре и надолу. Притиснете на „Enter“ за да изберете. Ако изберете израз кој содржи повеќе збора, тој израз ќе биде поднесен за пребарување. Ако предлогот е линк, во прелистувачот ќе се отвори таа страница.

Кој ги исполнува условите за сместувања за ини случаи преку Airbnb.org

Airbnb.org works with nonprofit organizations and resettlement agencies specializing in crisis response and refugee resettlement to facilitate on-the-ground support, including assessing the needs and eligibility of potential guests. Airbnb.org does not currently provide a direct intake process for individuals in need of emergency assistance.

Eligible individuals may include: :

  • People affected by major disasters and relief workers responding to those disasters in an official capacity.
  • Refugees, asylum seekers, and other newcomers.

After eligibility is established through a partner nonprofit organization, referral organization, or its service providers, guests may also be required to set up an Airbnb account, which may include identity verification checks. 

All guests and hosts who use the Airbnb platform to support Airbnb.org or utilize Airbnb.org’s programs must agree to Airbnb's Community Standards and the Airbnb Terms of Service. Learn more about Airbnb’s trust and safety standards and policies.

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